Teletalk Internet Balance Check (টেলিটকের এমবি চেক)
Teletalk is the only government SIM company in Bangladesh. This company provides various low cost internet offers.
We buy its internet offers or bonus offers but can't figure out how to check the internet balance. So today we will know how to view the internet balance of Teletalk.
There are several ways to find out the internet balance of Teletalk. I explain it below:
Method 1 (By dialing)
To check Teletalk MB, open mobile dial pad and dial * 152 #. Within a minute of dialing the message will come and you can see the balance.
Method 2 (By SMS)
To check MB by sending a message, send U to 111. You will know the internet balance in the return SMS.
How do I remember the method?
Hope you read this post and you know about Teletalk SIM Internet / MB Check. If you have any comments, please let me know in the comments. Thanks.